Pregătirea Aluatului de Pizza pe Masa Rece Atosa - O Experiență Culinară Inedită - Atosa Romania

Preparing Pizza Dough on the Cold Atosa Table - A Unique Culinary Experience

Preparing the pizza dough on the Atosa cold table

Choosing the Right Ingredients

In order to obtain a quality pizza dough, the selection of ingredients is essential. Here are some key things to consider:

Flour – The Foundation of Taste and Texture

High-quality wheat flour is the heart of any pizza dough. Types of flour vary, and choosing the right one can make all the difference:

  • Type 00 flour : This type of flour is ground very finely and is ideal for the thin, crispy dough specific to Neapolitan pizza.
  • Wholemeal Flour : Provides a denser texture and richer taste, being a healthier option due to its high fiber content.
  • Durum Wheat Flour : This adds elasticity to the dough and is suitable for pizzas with a thick crust.

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

Yeast – The Engine of Fermentation

Fresh yeast is essential for dough fermentation. It not only helps the dough to rise, but also adds a unique taste. There are two main types:

  • Fresh Yeast : It is more active and contributes to a fast and efficient fermentation.
  • Dry Yeast : More stable and with a longer shelf life, it is a convenient alternative.

Water – The Element of Balance

Water not only binds the ingredients, but also influences the texture of the dough. Water temperature is crucial:

  • Warm Water : Ideal for activating the yeast, but it must not be hot so as not to destroy it.
  • Room Temperature Water : Used to maintain a slow and controlled fermentation.

Salt and Oil – The Perfect Finish

Salt is vital to the taste of the dough and to the control of yeast fermentation. Olive oil adds flavor and helps create a tender texture.

Combining Ingredients

The perfect balance between these ingredients is the key to a successful dough. Precise proportions and quality of ingredients can transform an ordinary pizza into a memorable culinary experience.

The role of Mesa Reci Atosa in Dough Fermentation

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

Design Optimized for Pizza Artists

Spacious and Efficient: The ESL series 3-door refrigerated table with ideal dimensions of 1365mm x 700mm x 880mm and a substantial capacity of 380L is created for the demands of pizza preparation. It offers ample space to store all your essential ingredients, keeping them close at hand.

Precise Cooling for Fresh Ingredients: The refrigerator maintains a temperature range of -2ºC to 8ºC, ensuring that pizza toppings and dough remain fresh and at peak quality, ready to create delicious pizzas.


The Atosa cold table is an essential element in creating a perfect pizza dough. This influences the fermentation process in several key ways:

Temperature Control

One of the main advantages of the Atosa cold table is its ability to maintain a constant and controlled temperature. Pizza dough fermentation requires a specific temperature to optimize yeast activity. The Atosa cold table ensures that the temperature of the dough remains stable, which is crucial for:

  • Slow and Uniform Development of Taste : Slow fermentation allows the development of complex flavors and an ideal texture.
  • Prevention of Overfermentation : The low temperature prevents excessive growth of yeast, which could affect the taste and texture of the dough.

Uniformity of Fermentation

In addition to temperature control, the Atosa cold table ensures uniform fermentation of the entire dough. This is essential to achieve consistent quality in all portions of the dough, avoiding unfermented or overfermented areas.

Flexibility in Training

The Atosa cold table gives chefs the flexibility to prepare the dough in advance, knowing that the fermentation process will take place at a controlled rate. This allows efficient planning of time in the kitchen, without compromising the quality of the dough.

Consistency of the Final Product

Using the Atosa cold table contributes to obtaining a consistent final product. Each pizza prepared will have the same high quality in terms of taste, texture and appearance, thanks to the precise control of the fermentation process.

Health benefits

Slow and controlled fermentation can also improve the digestibility of the dough. Gluten breaks down more efficiently, making the dough easier to digest for some people.

Kneading and Modeling Techniques

Kneading and shaping the dough are crucial steps in the process of making a quality pizza. These techniques directly influence gluten development, elasticity, and ultimately the texture and taste of the pizza.

Kneading the Dough

Kneading is more than just mixing the ingredients; is a process by which the gluten in the flour is activated, giving the dough the necessary structure and elasticity.

  • Manual Kneading : This is a traditional method and involves direct contact with the dough, offering complete control over its consistency. Hand kneading is done by pushing the dough with your palms and folding it back. This process is repeated until the dough becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Using a Mixer : For larger amounts of dough, a mixer with a dough hook can be effective. This method saves time and effort while ensuring uniform kneading of the dough.

Modeling techniques

After the dough has been properly kneaded, the next step is shaping it into the desired shape.

  • Hand Molding : This is a classic technique, where the dough is stretched and rolled with the hands. The goal is to form an even disc, keeping a slightly thicker rim on the outside for the crust.
  • Using a Rolling Pin : To achieve a more uniform shape and consistent thickness, some people prefer to use a rolling pin. This allows the dough to stretch in a more controlled manner.

Points of Attention in Kneading and Modeling

  • Avoiding Over-Kneading : Over-kneading can lead to a dough that is too firm and springy, which makes it difficult to shape and can affect the final texture of the pizza.
  • Thickness Control : The thickness of the dough affects the baking time and texture of the pizza. An even thickness ensures even baking and a perfect crust.
  • Dough Temperature : The dough should not be too cold at the time of shaping, as this can prevent it from spreading effectively.

By applying these kneading and shaping techniques correctly, the pizza dough will have an airy, elastic texture and form the perfect base for the other ingredients. The quality of the molded dough decisively influences the taste experience of the final pizza, turning every bite into a culinary pleasure.

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

The Importance of Resting the Dough

Resting the dough is an essential step in the process of making a high-quality pizza. This not only allows the flavors to develop, but also contributes significantly to the final texture of the pizza.

Why Is Resting the Dough So Important?

  • Flavor Development : During rest, fermentation continues, leading to the formation of complex flavor compounds. These flavors cannot be achieved by simply kneading and baking.
  • Gluten Relaxation : After kneading, the gluten in the dough is tense. The resting period allows the gluten to relax, making the dough more pliable and easier to shape.
  • Even Distribution of Moisture : Resting helps distribute moisture evenly throughout the dough, resulting in a better texture for both the crust and interior of the pizza.

Ideal Rest Time

  • Short Fermentation (1-2 hours) : This is done at room temperature and is ideal for doughs that require quick use. It provides enough fermentation to make the dough easy to handle.
  • Long Fermentation (24-72 hours) : Done in the refrigerator, this method allows the development of more complex flavors and an improved dough texture. The Atosa cold table is perfect for this type of fermentation, providing a controlled environment for the long rest of the dough.

The Role of the Atosa Cold Table in Optimizing Rest

  • Temperature Control : Atosa cold mass maintains a constant temperature, ideal for slow and controlled fermentation. Thus, the dough develops evenly, without the risk of over-fermentation.
  • Flexibility in Preparation Planning : By using the Atosa cold table for dough rest, chefs can prepare the dough days in advance, ensuring that they will always have fresh dough available for pizza preparation.
  • Consistent Quality : Resting under controlled conditions ensures consistent dough quality from day to day, which is essential in restaurants and pizzerias.

Humidity and Temperature Adjustment

Controlling humidity and temperature is a key aspect in the process of preparing an ideal pizza dough. The correct adjustment of these two factors significantly influences the final quality of the dough and, implicitly, of the pizza.

The Importance of Temperature Control

  • Influence on Fermentation : Temperature has a direct impact on the speed of dough fermentation. A higher temperature speeds up fermentation, while a lower temperature slows it down, allowing flavors to develop.
  • Dough Consistency : Constant temperature prevents fluctuations that can lead to uneven results in dough fermentation.

The role of humidity

  • Dough Elasticity : Adequate moisture is essential to maintain dough elasticity. An environment that is too dry can make the dough cracked and difficult to handle.
  • Moisture Distribution : An even distribution of moisture in the dough ensures even baking and a perfect crust.

How Cold Table Helps Atosa

The Atosa cold table is designed to provide an optimal environment for preparing pizza dough by precisely controlling humidity and temperature.

  • Stable Temperature : The Atosa cold table maintains a constant temperature, ideal for the controlled fermentation of the dough. This is vital for stabilizing the fermentation process and maintaining the consistency of the dough.
  • Humidity Control : The Atosa cold table provides a controlled humidity environment, preventing excessive drying or moistening of the dough. This ensures that the dough remains at the optimal consistency for shaping and baking.
  • Flexibility in the Preparation Process : Using the Atosa cold table, chefs can adjust and maintain the ideal conditions for different types of dough and experiment with various fermentation techniques.

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

Tips for an Elastic and Airy Dough

An elastic and airy dough is the key to getting a delicious pizza with a perfect texture. Here are some tips to ensure these characteristics of the pizza dough:

1. The Right Choice of Flour

  • High Quality Flour : Using a flour with a high gluten content, such as type 00 flour, is essential to achieve the necessary elasticity.
  • Evaluation of Protein Content : A flour with a higher protein content will help develop a stronger gluten, resulting in a more elastic dough.

2. Adequate Kneading

  • Sufficient Kneading : Make sure you knead the dough enough to activate the gluten. This process can take between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on the method chosen (by hand or with the mixer).
  • Avoiding Over-Kneading : Over-kneading can lead to a dough that is too firm and difficult to shape.

3. Correct Hydration

  • Water-Flour Ratio : Maintaining a proper water-to-flour ratio is crucial. Not enough hydration can make the dough too tough, while too much water can make the dough sticky and difficult to handle.
  • Add Water Gradually : Incorporate the water gradually into the flour to achieve a uniform and controllable dough consistency.

4. Using the Right Yeast

  • Amount of Yeast : Use the right amount of yeast. Too much yeast can lead to too rapid fermentation, affecting the texture of the dough.
  • Proper Yeast Activation : Make sure the yeast is properly activated, especially dry yeast, to enhance the fermentation process.

5. Rest of the Dough

  • Rest Time : Let the dough rest long enough. A longer rest (24-48 hours) at a low temperature can significantly improve the elasticity and aeration of the dough.
  • Using the Atosa Cold Table : If you have access to an Atosa cold table, use it to maintain a constant and controlled temperature while the dough rests.

6. Avoiding Deformation when Modeling

  • Shape with Care : Shape the dough with your hands by stretching, not by rolling, to keep air bubbles in the dough.

Storage and Preservation of Dough

Proper storage and preservation of pizza dough is essential to maintain its quality and freshness over the long term. The use of the Atosa cold table can play an important role in this process. Here are some methods and tips for optimal preservation:

1. Storage Temperature

  • Using the Atosa Cold Table : The Atosa cold table ensures a constant and ideal temperature for keeping the dough. The low temperature slows down the fermentation process, keeping the dough fresh for a longer period of time.

2. Dough packaging

  • Using Plastic Wrap : Wrap the dough in plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out. This helps keep the dough moist and prevents a hard crust from forming on its surface.
  • Hermetic Containers : For an even more efficient preservation, the dough can be stored in airtight containers. They protect the dough from air and maintain a constant humidity.

3. Separation of Dough Portions

  • Portioning the dough : If you have a large amount of dough, it is recommended to divide it into individual portions. This facilitates later use and ensures uniform fermentation of each portion.

4. Duration of Retention

  • Short-Term Storage : For use within the next 1-2 days, the dough can be stored at refrigerator temperature.
  • Long Term Storage : The dough can be stored in the freezer for up to two months. Before use, the frozen dough should be transferred to the refrigerator for a slow thaw and then left at room temperature for several hours.

5. Monitoring the Dough

  • Regular Checking : It is important to check the dough regularly for any signs of over-fermentation or spoilage.

6. Reusing the Dough

  • Rehydrating the Dough : If the dough has started to dry, a little water can be added during modeling to restore elasticity.

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

Customizing the Pizza Recipe

Experimenting with Flavors and Textures

Experimenting with different ingredients and seasonings can elevate a simple pizza to a memorable dining experience. Each ingredient adds a new dimension of taste and texture, turning every bite into a delightful discovery.

1. Variety of Ingredients

  • Fresh and Preserved Vegetables : Add a variety of vegetables such as peppers, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, or even artichokes to introduce new textures and flavors.
  • Different Types of Cheese : Experiment with different types of cheese, from traditional mozzarella to pungent gorgonzola, creamy ricotta or aromatic parmesan.

2. Adding Protein

  • Meats and Sausages : Ingredients such as prosciutto, salami, chorizo, or chicken breast add depth and complexity to the taste.
  • Vegetarian Alternatives : For a meat-free option, smoked tofu or portobello mushrooms are great for adding texture and flavor.

3. Spices and Herbs

  • Aromatic Condiments : Use spices like oregano, basil, rosemary or chili to enhance the taste of the pizza.
  • Flavored Sauces and Oils : A splash of extra virgin olive oil, truffle-flavored oil or a spicy sauce can completely transform the taste of the pizza.

4. Contrasting textures

  • Adding Nuts or Seeds : Chopped nuts, pumpkin or pine seeds add an interesting crunchy texture.
  • Dried or Fresh Fruit : Ingredients such as dried or fresh figs, pears or pineapple can bring a sweet-sour contrast.

5. Experimenting with Pizza Base

  • Different Types of Dough : Experiment with whole wheat dough, durum wheat flour or even gluten-free dough to vary the texture and taste of the base.
  • Alternative Sauces : Instead of traditional tomato sauce, try pesto, sour cream or even hummus for a unique base.

6. Finishing the Pizza

  • Adding Toppings After Baking : Fresh toppings like arugula, prosciutto, or even a raw egg (which will cook easily from the heat of the pizza) can add a new dimension of flavor and texture.

Preparing the Pizza Dough on the Atosa Cold Table

Adapting the Recipe for Various Dietary Preferences

Adapting pizza recipes to fit various dietary preferences is an inclusive approach that allows everyone to enjoy this popular food. We will explore ways in which the dough recipe can be adjusted for gluten-free or vegan needs.

Gluten Free Dough

  • Alternative Flour : Replace wheat flour with gluten-free flour blends, such as rice flour, almond flour, buckwheat flour, or commercial gluten-free blends.
  • Xanthan Gum : Adding xanthan gum can help improve the elasticity of gluten-free dough.
  • Adjusting Liquids : Gluten-free doughs may require more water or other liquid to reach the desired consistency, as alternative flours tend to absorb more moisture.

Vegan dough

  • Yeast Replacement : Some types of yeast can be processed with ingredients of animal origin. Make sure you use a certified vegan yeast.
  • Avoiding Dairy : Replace milk or butter with vegan alternatives such as almond or soy milk and plant-based butter.
  • Egg Free : If the original recipe includes eggs, they can be omitted or replaced with vegan alternatives such as flaxseed powder mixed with water.

General Tips for Adaptation

  • Experiment with Amounts : When substituting ingredients, you may need to adjust the amounts to achieve the desired texture and taste.
  • Recipe Testing : You may need to test the recipe a few times to find the perfect combination of ingredients to meet specific dietary needs.
  • Flavoring the Dough : Feel free to add spices or herbs to improve the taste of the dough, regardless of the adaptations made.

Use of Atosa Equipment

The advantages of using the Reci Atosa table

Using an Atosa cold table in the pizza dough preparation process brings numerous benefits that can significantly improve quality and efficiency in the kitchen. Here are some of the most important advantages:

1. Optimal Temperature Control

  • Controlled Fermentation : The Atosa cold table maintains a constant temperature, ideal for pizza dough fermentation. This precise temperature control ensures even fermentation, helping to develop desired flavors and textures.
  • Prevention of Overfermentation : By keeping the dough at a low temperature, the risk of overfermentation is reduced, which is crucial for the quality and consistency of the dough.

2. Preserving the Freshness of the Dough

  • Long-Term Storage : The Atosa cold table allows the dough to be stored for a longer period without sacrificing its quality. This is ideal for preparing in advance and maintaining a steady flow of produce in busy kitchens.

3. Work Space Efficiency

  • Organization and Space : Atosa cold tables are designed to maximize work space, providing enough space for preparing the dough and keeping the necessary ingredients close at hand.
  • Ergonomic Design : The ergonomic design of the table facilitates a more efficient and comfortable work process, reducing the fatigue of the kitchen staff.

4. Quality and Durability

  • Robust Construction : Atosa cold tables are manufactured from high-quality materials, ensuring long-term durability and reliability.
  • Maintaining Hygienic Standards : The easy-to-clean and maintainable surface of the Atosa cold table contributes to maintaining a hygienic working environment, an essential aspect in any professional kitchen.

5. Versatility in Use

  • Adaptable for Various Recipes : In addition to pizza dough, the cold table can be used to prepare and preserve other types of dough or pastry products, offering a versatile solution for the diverse needs of professional kitchens.

6. Reduction of Waste

  • Efficient Preservation of Ingredients : Cold storage's ability to keep ingredients at optimal temperatures reduces waste, contributing to cost efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Maintenance and Cleaning of the Reci Atosa Table

To ensure the durability and optimal performance of your Atosa cold table, it is essential to follow some maintenance and cleaning practices. These measures not only extend the useful life of the equipment, but also ensure that hygiene standards are maintained in the kitchen.

Daily cleaning

  • Surface Wipe : Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe the work surface of the Atosa cold table daily. Avoid using abrasives or aggressive chemicals that can damage the surface.
  • Cleaning Doors and Handles : Clean doors and handles regularly to remove grease and fingerprints.

Periodic Cleaning

  • Defrosting and Interior Cleaning : Schedule a periodic defrost and clean the interior of the cold table. Use non-abrasive cleaning solutions and make sure the unit is completely dry before returning it to service.
  • Checking the Seals : Clean the door seals and periodically check their integrity. Damaged seals can affect the energy efficiency of the cold table.

Technical Maintenance

  • Checking and Cleaning the Condenser : The condenser must be cleaned periodically to ensure the efficient operation of the cold table. This process must be performed by a qualified technician.
  • Temperature Check : Monitor the temperature regularly to ensure the unit is operating at optimal settings.


  • Avoiding Overloading : Do not overload the Atosa cold table. Ensure good air circulation by maintaining adequate space between products.
  • Protecting Electrical Components : During cleaning, avoid water or cleaning solutions coming into contact with electrical components.

Planning Periodic Reviews

  • Professional Services : Schedule regular check-ups with a certified technician to check and maintain the cooling system and electrical components of the cold table.